Click on the date and the PDF should open in a separate tab or download to your hard drive, depending on how your browser is set up. A word on the quality, or lack thereof: these fragile pieces of paper are 50-plus years old and I didn’t exactly store them in museum-like conditions. The quality was pretty crappy even when they first rolled off the press, as they were being printed on an ancient machine in the Campbell UHSD office. Hence photographs that are muddy, full of noise, or both. I well remember blinking back tears of disappointment when I saw how crummy the finished product looked after all our hard work, begging Mr. Loewus to let us sell advertising so we could afford a real printer. The answer was always no. Such a capitalistic scheme apparently ran afoul of some Official Policy of the CUHSD. Oh, well. In the end, they’re only newspapers, designed to be read one day, lining the bottom of a birdcage the next.